Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Didn’t want to wake up from my Doctor Who dream

I’m glad I could sleep in today, because I woke up from an awesome dream world that I didn’t want to leave, so I went back to sleep. Are people supposed to be able to fall back into REM sleep where dreaming occurs? I don’t know if that’s normal, but I’m grateful for those times when I want to and I can. I dreamed that I was on the set of Doctor Who where they were filming the seventh season.
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Why writing for X minutes a day doesn’t work for me

I was just listening to a podcast wherein a book author/blogger mentioned that she always writes for a half hour before going to bed. I briefly imagined myself doing to the same thing and what success would come of it. Then I laughed! I know myself well enough now to reject that as a path to personal success. I’ve always been a writer, and always wanted to be a writer. I’m a good copywriter/editor and enjoy working in marketing communications,
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There’s never enough time.

This week has been pretty good in terms of getting things accomplished, but I still feel really bogged down by not accomplishing everything I’d wanted to do. At least I happily spent a lot of energy on family history and writing forĀ Old Family Stories, a blog I started specifically to keep track of my family history-related goings on. I attended RootsTech in early February (immediately on the heels of Sundance Film Festival) and decided that the subject-specific blog would be
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Well, hellooooooo there, nobody!

I haven’t told anyone about this blog yet. I have another blog that is also under wraps at the moment. Why wouldn’t I tell anyone about my blogs? Mostly because I am embarrassed by how they look and function. Most normal people who want to blog just sign up for Blogger or, if they’re using WordPress like me, they maybe upload a custom header on a template they like and start writing. It’s just. not. that. easy. for me. I
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Visions of grandeur

The best ideas strike without warning and can cause a serious mental high. Side effects may include visions of grandeur. I tend to sit on a lot of projects. Some for the last few days, some for the last few weeks, and some that come and go over the course of years. Story ideas, website ideas, clever craft projects, family history/photo preservation, and home organization/decoration are the main players. I live for the spontaneous moments when an idea hits me,
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It’s already February

I hate that I’ve only published one blog post here. At least I’m only disappointing myself at this point. I started writing a post while I was at the Sundance Film Festival (5-year volunteer, baby!) during the last two weeks in January, but I never finished it. Lots of other things going on over here now. I’ve taken up “anxiety knitting.” I generally have a few knitting projects in progress at any one time, so when I’m feeling stressed about
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Starting over, concurrently

I have over-segmented myself on the internet. Blogs, message boards, social media profiles, domain names… somwhere along the way, while focusing on separating my public “fun” personas from my professional “serious” persona and trying to make things personal without oversharing, I lost myself. My goal is simple with this new blog: to consolidate my scattered self. WTF, right? How is creating an additional internet presence going to work? Well, future self, and anyone else who joins me here, let me
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